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Studio Day is a biannual event where the whole team comes together to reflect on the last six months, share news, celebrate project launches, learn skills, and look forward to the future.

On Studio Day 10, after two years of Covid lockdowns, travel restrictions, and remote / hybrid working we were able at last to be together in person.

Marie joined us from Belgium, Maria made it over from Portugal, and Gareth traveled from the depths of Saffron Walden! Unfortunately, Isaac couldn’t join us, but he was able to preside over proceedings via Zoom.

Isaac is wearing a black t-shirt with large white letter SSD. He has headphones on. He is smiling and waving at the camera.
Isaac joins Studio Day via Zoom

We had a series of brilliant lightning talks from Nicki, Claire, Sean, Alan, Julia, and Marie. The talks covered topics as diverse as accessibility testing tools for developers, communicating using radical candour, an introduction to Semrush, why content design is never obvious, and tips for designing better PowerPoint presentations (something for our clients to look forward to!).

Sean is wearing a blue t-shirt and black jeans. He is gesturing to the screen. This screen is raining green code on a black background like the Matrix. The text reads: Semrush - into the future.
We take the red pill and join Sean in the world of Semrush
Julia is wearing a jade green cardigan and navy jeans. She is holding a microphone. The display screen behind her has a white background with red text that reads: everything I know about life I learned from powerpoint
A refreshing perspective of life, not death, by powerpoint.
Four team members sitting in a row at a table. Nicki, Sean and Julia are clapping and laughing, Fran is punching the air.
Nicki, Sean, Julia, and Fran enjoy the lightening talks

Project Manager Fran reminded the team of the impact our work is having in the real world. The Ukrainian translation of the Humanitarian Hands on Tool was launched in April 2022 and is being used to support disabled people who have been displaced during the war.

Fran is wearing a navy jumper over a white shirt, with blue jeans. He is standing in front of a presentation that says: HHoT in Ukrainian. According to the European Disability Forum, over 143,600 persons with disabilities are displaced. We launched HHoT in Ukrainian in April 2022.
Fran talks about the power of digital

Not all the talks were about digital. In fact, Creative Director Ian’s talk came from his alter ego Ned Bright. Ned is a 14th-century potter from Kentwell Hall. Ned reminded us about the benefits of switching off our computers, and of holding things in our hands, creating, and connecting with the real world.

Emma and Ian take a selfie.
Ned Bright - our newest team member
Three of Ian's pots next to a lump of white clay. The pots are all have random colouring of grey, white and black achieved from a smoking process.
Some of Ned Bright's handy work

Simon celebrated ten years of working with Emma and looked back at some of the highlights of her time with the agency.

Simon hands an A4 size card and bottle bag to Emma. The card says 'thank you' and has pictures of the team on it.
Simon presents Emma with a present!

And this celebration continued into the evening at the Tivoli for drinks, dinner, and crazy golf.

Six team members stand in a row with their golf clubs. A neon red sign behind them says together.
Together ?